Virtual World SIG

SDForum’s Virtual World SIG


Designing Effective Learning – Training – Collaboration, June 25, 2009

Announcing an online event *LIVE* from SRI: “Designing Effective Learning, Training, and Collaboration  in Virtual Worlds” June 25

A special SDForum Virtual World SIG online session  in collaboration with SRI Business Consulting Virtual Worlds @ Work

On Thursday June 25  SRI Business Consulting Virtual Worlds@Work ( will host a special online seminar open to the members of SDForum Virtual World SIG (and our readers). This session was planned in mid-June and we are happy to have this opportunity to explore the use of virtual worlds in collaboration, training, and learning, from some of the most important projects in the space.   This event will be viewable online and hosted virtually in Second Life.  All media for the event will be linked from

10:15 – 10:45
Effective Learning and Collaboration in Virtual Worlds Year in Review;
Speaker: Eilif Trondsen  SRI Business Intelligence
10:45 – 11:15 Effective Design for Learning;
Speaker: Clark Quinn, Quinnovation
11:15 – 12:00 IBM’s Work and Research on Learning and Collaboration in Virtual Worlds;
Speaker:  Chuck Hamilton, IBM Institute of Advanced Learning
1:15 – 2:00     Adding Intelligence to Virtual Worlds To Support Training and Learning,
Speakers: Parvati Dev, Innovations in Learning, and Media X, Stanford University, and William LeRoy Heinrichs, Stanford University

All media for the event will be linked directly from
We look forward to seeing you there!
Best Regards,
Chairs of SDForum Virtual World SIG.

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Twitter tag = #vwsig

About the Virtual World SIG:

Upcoming SIG sessions:

Jan. 25, 2010:
(topic tba.)

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