Virtual World SIG

SDForum’s Virtual World SIG


Archive for the ‘Lively’

Virtual World SIG up and running on Google Lively

July 09, 2008 By: BobKetner Category: Lively, Virtual Worlds No Comments →

New browser based VW application just launched today from Google.

Virtual Worlds News has a feature linked here.

Virtual World SIG location is up and running so let’s meet up there.
I chose the “island” room in keeping with the Second Life ™ tradition. We don’t need walls anyway. Check it out!

The URL is:

And you should see it below:

Join our online groups:

Twitter tag = #vwsig

About the Virtual World SIG:

Upcoming SIG sessions:

Jan. 25, 2010:
(topic tba.)

Join us in virtual worlds:
Second Life location

Metaplace location

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