Take the Virtual World Roadmap Survey (closes Friday)
Our friends over at the Virtual Worlds Roadmap (http://virtualworldsroadmap.blogspot.com/) would like to ask for your input in their new Virtual World Roadmap Survey
The Virtual World Roadmap is a non-profit group and is conducting the survey in order to:
1) forecast how Virtual Worlds will be used in businesses and other organizations in the near future
2) identify user requirements that will foster broader adoption
3) inform technology and service providers interested in this space
4) identify areas where cooperation may be required to achieve the intended results
The survey will be open until midnight Pacific Daylight Time, Sep. 11th, and its initial results will be made available by mid-September 2009. The survey states that any information submitted, including your e-mail address, will not be used for any other purpose.
Note: The SDForum Virtual World SIG (this site) is not connected to this group and is not administering the survey or able to access the results.
Take the Survey:
In addition, the Virtual World Roadmap organizers will conduct a half-day workshop at the Engage Expo conference ( http://www.engageexpo.com/sj2009/ ).
The group is connected to the Sun Immersion Special Interest Group at: http://sun-isig.ning.com (requires approved membership)
[-Bob Ketner]